ESTR swap traded, finally!

A first ESTR swap has finally be traded.

The trade is reported in Risk.Net: ESTR swap trading gets under way  It is a EUR 100 millions, 1-week swap traded on 30 September (effective date 2 October) between HSBC and JP Morgan.

I know that ESTR will be published only as of today (actually yesterday rate, because of T+1 shenanigan) and people will argue that it was not possible to trade before and my "finally" is not warranted. I strongly disagree with that, as explained for a couple of months in some blogs (here and here). One could have traded forward start swaps or swaps with a pre-launch fallback to EONIA - 8.5 bps.

Moreover, CCP will accept clearing only on 21 October 2019 for LCH and 18 November 2019 for EUREX. CCPs explain their delay in providing that elementary service by the requirement for "client to be ready" (see my take here). There was no logical requirement for client to be ready for the CCP launch as clients are not obliged to clear those trades. Now it is clear - pun intended - that some clients were ready well before the CCPs and their delays are for CCPs internal reasons, not client fault or requirement.

Let see what today has in store for yesterday, I mean let's see later today, 2 October, what was the first ESTR fixing with value date yesterday, 1 October.

P.S. In the previous version of this post I confused the first publication date (2 October) with the first reference date (1 October). Shame on me!


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