Pharaohs and Libor: the great curses of history

This is pure fiction. Any resemblance to real events, situations, or persons, past, present, or future may or may not be purely coincidental. Any resemblance to fictional characters is intentional!

Pharaohs and Gods

At the time, Egypt was ruled by Pharaohs. When becoming Pharaohs, the human beings were also becoming Gods. They joined the gods like Isis, Horus, Ra, and others. For some time they were both human beings and gods. When their human being bodies died, they were buried but they stayed god forever.

The disturbance of the bodily remains of those gods induces well documented curses: the curse of the Pharaohs. Whoever open the God's tombs was cursed for life, usually a very short life.

Libor: universal God

The curse stroked back three millennia later when a new God emerged: Libor. By opposition to the Pharaohs, Libor was not born in a human body to become god. Libor was fully immaterial, a pure number; even if its representation by human started on a specific date the god itself was eternal. The mythological date of the Earthly appearance of god has been described as 1 January 1986. There are disagreement between theologians in which calendar that date had been expressed. The god is universal, it is not linked to one particular conventional calendar created by humans.

Some pretended that Libor was a king, and even a dying one, but that was all malicious gossips. Libor is and has always been an eternal God, not a mere king push to reign by mere mortals.

Magical forces used the so-called Regulators - dark force magicians of their time - to fight the peaceful Libor. Not for what he did, but for what others did in his name. Instead of punishing the perverted priest, they punished the image of God. They could not punish God itself as Libor is immaterial and leaving in a layer of the Universe inaccessible to those wanted to punish it. They couldn't reach God, but they could reach his image on Earth.

The God's fury for this Treason appeared quickly on Earth. Not that the God killed the blasphemers; his vengeance was more subtle and terrific. Libor slowly drove the lead blasphemers mad. Their madness came slowly, in such a way that their blind worshipers followed them without knowing what they were doing, like the fabled boiling frogs.

But with retrospect, seen from today, 3,000 years after the Great Libor Disaster, that path is clearly visible. The Great Priest Isda, a name etymologically close to the Egyptian Goddess Isis, started to proposed taking direction that at first sight look innocuous, but proved to be disastrous. The actual existence of the priest is not a historical certainty, some scholars claim that Isda was more the name of a sect that had a significant religious impact, than the one of a single person. Whatever its exact form was, the mythological Isda decreed that the forward-looking God had to be replaced by a backward-looking god of compounded nature. The compounded nature is probably borrowed to ancient Egyptian mythology where hybrid gods with a human body and an animal head were common. No actual representation of that compounded god exists and it is difficult to have a realistic picture of what was meant exactly by "composition"; the term has since disappeared from the religious terminology.

How could Libor worshipers be so blind that they didn't see that putting your future in a backward-looking God was folly has never been explained by medicine since. The best explanation that scientist have obtain in the last centuries is some kind of global pollution. Like lead pipes may have brought the Roman empire to its knees, the usage of powerful drugs by some high level priest combined with the vengeance of the God directly on the Great Priest himself may have lead to this outcome.

Then there was the adopted godson of the Libor called Bailey - yes, Gods can have godsons, as much as biological being can have biological sons. Before disappearing temporarily from Earth, the legend said that Libor whispered "Et tu, Bailus" - apparently, gods speak Latin in important moments, even those speaking vernacular English in normal circumstances. For him, the vengeance of the God was even more terrible. The true existence of this legendary Bailey is not assured by historian as no trace of him have been found in any record beside the supposed speech calling for Libor death and a couple of other texts of minor importance. The said Bailey became governor of the Bank of England, one of the great kingdoms of that time. His tenure was so short and so disastrous that his name appears only in 2 quarterly reports and there are evidences that his name has been removed from official documents in the aftermath. Seven years of economical disaster followed that appointment; and those seven years where not preceded by seven years of great abundance.

Some text even claim that the name Libor starts with "L" because of London, the coastal city that was then the capital of the English Kingdom. Obviously such claim can only be an apocryphal story; the universal God Libor has no reason to be associated to a specific city on a specific remote planet. The term Libor is more likely related to the Roman god known as Liber Pater and etymologically relates to the absolute Liberty of God in deciding in the path of the Universe.

3,000 years after the Great Libor Disaster

The seven years of economic disaster were followed by 100 years of stagnation, the so-called lost century. It was akin a Hundred year's civil war but a lawyer war. It was less deadly than other civil wars in term of direct causalities but it was so much a waste of resources that the indirect casualties were in the millions.

The Universe is still recovering from the Libor curse. Obviously gold, the metal of Gods, is still the base of all exchanges between evolved beings, as it has been for the last 6,000 years. The value of gold has decrease significantly with the exploration of gold rich planets previously difficult to access. The cost of gold is not related any more to the extraction cost, it is more closely related to the cost of transport. And Earth, the planet that started the attack on the only true God, Libor, is still cursed. This is the planet the further away from the main gold deposits. With the recent advance of digital gold and in particular the now almost universally accepted physical gold based distributed ledger, the remoteness of Earth is less an issue. This is by those practical details that we can see that the curse on Earth is curbed and the wrath of God is quelled.

Some people have even claimed that Distributed Ledger has been invented before the wrath of God came to Earth 3,000 years ago and the then-civilization was almost as advanced as it is now. Such claim are difficult to believe. If the civilization was so advanced, how come that they where not able to communicate with Libor? How did they allow their civilization to be destroyed by the madness of a couple of high priests? Medical treatments of that time, provided by the cast of Aene-Chess, was not well developed for mental illness. This would explain how the madness of high priests was not reported at the time.

Hopefully we have learned from history and such a madness and the generated waste will never again invade civilization.


  1. Excellent write up Marc. It goes to the heart of what is a good regulation or change in that matter. Best Sid.


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