Tough cookies

After some financial fictions, here is a food fiction.

Following price manipulation and decrease of volume in cookies, the cookie market is going through a reform.

There are always tough cookies. To deal with them, the Factory Cookie Authority (FCA) has decided to ask for more power to the parliament.

The proposed power would allow the FCA to impose synthetic prices on cookie contracts. The cookie prices will be based on the flour price plus a fixed spread. The spread has been decided by the International Cookie Dealer Association (ICDA) after a public consultation answered by a less than 100 people, mostly ICDA members.

The spread is a fixed number for the next 50 years and is not based on cost of other cookie ingredient, like sugar, eggs, salaries, taxes, but is based some on historical figures selected by ICDA mixing (pun intended) flour, sugar and rotten (i.e. in-arrears) eggs over different periods.

Should the MPs vote for such a tough cookie power? Wouldn't that be a tough cookie to swallow for cookie lovers?


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