A(nother) polite notice to course and conference organisers

I was once more invited to speak at a "major" quant conference. And once more, I'm happy for this invitation. I answered with the usual "I would be delighted to speak, I have proprietary and timely research that I would happy to present at my usual conditions: fair speaker fee and expenses".

They said it was good to have me on board, and asked for the subject and title; I provided (copyrighted) material in relation to a seminar proposal. My name and material was used on the conference website. They also asked me to provide marketing material for their conference.

Two months and many exchanges later, where I repeated my conditions. They confirmed my speaking slot, but when I asked to confirm the exact fee and the expenses mechanism, they told me that they plan to discriminate against me (yes, they put the discrimination in writing) and not offer me a fair retribution: "small budget for speakers and I want to increase XXX by supporting some XXX XXX from the industry with their travel to the event". Their proposal is no fee and contributing to roughly one third of expenses (!!!), claiming that "previously [...] you hadn’t charged a fee". Strange argument to claim that because they were inequitable once, they have the right to continue so. Moreover their claim is wrong as I received a fair retribution for my speaking contribution at their previous events (even if not directly from the organizers).

I could only repeat them what I mentioned before. A one hour seminar requires one day of preparation, on top of the research itself. Any fee below a one day salary for a managing director/partner is a bargain to them.

After further back and forth, I had to explain what "fee" and "expenses" mean:

  • Fee: at least the equivalent of one third of a consulting day at partner level (this is very cheap, given the research and preparation time)
  • Expenses:
    • International transport (actual ticket cost, not "I have seen once a cheap ticket on internet") and local transport
    • Hotel (conference or close-by hotel for the conference duration - yes, I sleep and shower every day, not once a week)
    • Meals (breakfast, lunch, dinner for the conference duration - yes, I eat three times a day, every day).

I have not received any feedback about fees and expenses but different emails asking further proprietary and copyrighted material for their website and agenda and asking me to book their preferred hotel at my expenses!

Notice: Please read my notice:  A polite notice to course and conference organizers

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