Marketing barrage on signing ISDA Fallback Protocol in escrow
Recently ISDA, ARRC and regulators have started a joined marketing barrage to convince market participants to adhere to the ISDA Fallback Protocol “in escrow”. I have commented on the Protocol signature many times before in seminars and on LinkedIn but not directly in a post. I have tried to summarize some of my arguments below. Before doing that, I have to repeat that I agree that a robust fallback is required. The current ISDA definitions do not contain a robust fallback and something needs to be done. Where we disagree is that the ISDA proposed fallback is the only one that is possible. I even disagree that the ISDA proposed fallback is actually robust, but that is another story that I have already discussed in many other posts (for example Fallback compounding in arrears won't work ). Even if someone today believes that the protocol is the best alternative for him, there is no advantage in early adherence. The adherence is like a pure American option, i.e. whenever you exercise...