The Fallback supplement is here (or not)!
The new fallback supplement has been published by ISDA ( Supplement 70 in Supplements to the 2006 ISDA Definitions ). It is 107 pages long! It is very long but does not contain any information about the fallback mechanism itself!! Moreover the fallback mechanism can be changed at the caprice of a third party (or actually a fourth party) and it will cost you USD 20,000 or more a year!!! Even after reading it, I still don't understand what the fallback mechanism is!!!! Before going through the different points, a little graph. If the meaning of the graph and its relevance to the fallback supplement is not obvious to you, I would advise you to read the supplement more carefully (or you can read here )! 107 pages long This is a very long document. It contains many repetitions, for each currency and rate option, it is written in "legalese". One good point is that is contains some "fallback of fallback", i.e. what is happening if the planned fallback (like SOFR...