ISDA protocol as an option - Risk article
Risk published today an article titled " Cherry-picking fears [...] Isda protocol and traders warn of gaming the system " Some extracts of the article are: "[...] may have realised that signing left them in a difficult commercial position as they’d effectively made a free offer for their counterparties to adhere to [...] if and when it suits them,” says [...]. “Yet those banks couldn’t force anyone to adhere or agree bilaterally to [...] – so the protocol was operating on a one-way basis [for them].” this means the signed-up banks have essentially given clients a free option that allows them to cherry-pick by working out if they’re going to win by adhering to the protocol or not. “Imagine you have a large portfolio involving two counterparties who are hedging each other, and your risk-sensitivity exposure is at zero. You have $1 billion coming in on one side and $1 billion coming out on the other side. You’re thus perfectly hedged – until one counterparty suddenly stops ...